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Technical Writing

The Work I can't Show

Most of the wiki writing I do contain contents that are internal to my company, thus I cannot share them. The ones below are examples of work that I can show, as they contain no sensitive information.

However, I wish to list out just a few of my Technical Writing-esque accomplishments at work which include:

  • Writing a 100+ page wiki on how to Provision one of the most complex products (to provision) of which I am the Subject Matter Expert (SME) of (which I will refer to as "The Product I'm SME of")

  • Creating prototypes for and documenting procedures for a large integration for "The Product I'm SME of"

  • Planning and documenting an extensive bootcamp to train my team on "The Product I'm SME of" in 2020, then again in 2022 after the integration mentioned above

  • Documenting New Product Integration (NPI) work procedures

  • Maintaining dozens of wikis and updating them when a new product/process/procedure comes into play

OOFile System Documentation

This is a recording of me going through the wiki I wrote, documenting the scope, scale, testing, and planning I did for OOFileSystem V2 as my day job is not a Programming Job but I had a unique opportunity to try to become a shared resource to the Engineering Team.

While I was still a beginner in terms of trying to become a Programmer and shared resource, my Senior Software Engineer colleague complimented my technical documentation skills.

Lamdon's thoughts on my Documentation_edited.png

Wiki on How to Write a Nice Wiki

While Technical Writing is not my day job, at times when it's slow at work, I would work on creating and updating our wiki procedures. This, along with my personal love of writing as well as my curiosity, lead me to explore ways to use and fashion the wiki in more creative ways.

I wrote the "Wiki on How to Write a Nice Wiki" at the request of some colleagues who wanted to know how I made my wikis so nice. In here are all the tips and tricks I use to write nice wikis using Confluence Wikis whilst simultaneously displaying my Technical Writing skills.

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